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With the election over, what’s next?

November 10, 2022  |  Geno Fragnito

With the election over, what’s next? As many have learned over the years, it’s people who vote — not signs, advertisements or pundits. Leading to Election Day on Tuesday, polling and “gut feelings” produced as many scenarios as one’s imagination would allow.

But, come Wednesday morning, the election results provided a fairly surprising overall outcome even for the most pessimistic or optimistic voter out there, depending on who you were pulling for. In Minnesota, all four statewide office holders, Gov. Tim Walz, Secretary of State Steve Simon, Attorney General Keith Ellison and Auditor Julie Blaha, all Democrats, will remain in office for another term. Ellison and Blaha’s races, in particular, were won by razor thin margins.

Though that sweep was not necessarily expected, even more surprising to many is that the Minnesota DFL will retain control of the Minnesota House heading into the new legislative biennium and flipped the Minnesota Senate, giving the DFL full legislative and executive (governor) control for the first time since 2014. Nearly 70 new faces will take office for the 201-member Legislature.

So, what does this all mean to you? We’re still assessing the early takeaways and, until committee assignments start happening for lawmakers, leaders are named for the caucuses, and actual governance starts in January, it’s kind of wait-and-see time.

Join us for the Legislative Digest Live

But that doesn’t mean we can’t prognosticate a bit. I’ll be hosting a Legislative Digest Live noon–12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22. I’ll share my insight and what I’m hearing among my Capitol circles between now and then. And, as usual, we’ll welcome questions from members in attendance.

Sign up for Legislative Digest Live notifications

Legislative Digest Live is MNCPA members-only. Not a member? Join the MNCPA today!

Though we likely won’t have another Digest Live this year after Nov. 22, we’ll start up again in January after the new session starts. Typically, we host Digest Lives every other Friday throughout the legislative session. I look forward to seeing you.

Topics: Government, MNCPA Programs & Activities

Geno Fragnito

Geno Fragnito is the MNCPA government relations director, advocating on behalf of the CPA profession. His days consist of last-minute meeting changes, building relationships with lawmakers, helping CPAs navigate state government, and putting in more than 15,000 steps per day walking the halls of the Capitol. Geno unwinds with a little golf and traveling with his family. If he weren’t a lobbyist, Geno would perfect his cast and be a professional fisherman. Geno can be reached at 952-885-5550 or

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