Blackout dates ahead of CPA exam changes
January 18, 2023 | Anne Janotta Erickson

A completely overhauled CPA exam will hit testing centers in January 2024. Newsflash: That’s officially one year away!
Now, I admit that I’ve got a little bit of a procrastinator in me. Maybe you do, too. But here’s the thing: These changes are a big deal. You can’t wait 365 days for this to hit your radar.
What’s more, CPA candidates will be impacted way before the new exam launches in January 2024.
CPA candidates and supervisors, do yourselves a favor and mark these important dates on your calendars:
Nov. 15, 2023: Final date to register for BEC
NASBA to cease processing Authorizations to Test and Notices to Schedule for BEC.
Nov. 22, 2023: Candidates can apply to sit for new exam sections
NASBA to begin processing Authorizations to Test and Notices to Schedule for BAR, ISC and TCP.
Note: Codes for AUD, FAR and REG will not change in 2024. Therefore, candidates can continue to apply for these sections and have their applications processed and approved. Testing blackout dates do apply, however.
Dec. 15, 2023: Final day of testing for all CPA exam sections
Candidates are not allowed to sit for the current CPA exam past this date.
Dec. 16, 2023–Jan. 9, 2024: CPA exam blackout dates; no testing allowed
This testing closure allows for IT systems to convert to new CPA exam sections.
We should note that these dates are subject to change. Stay tuned and trust that the MNCPA will update you as we learn more.
Need a refresher on how the CPA exam is changing? Make the MNCPA your go-to resource.
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Anne Janotta Erickson
Anne Janotta Erickson is the MNCPA's marketing manager. When she’s not finding new ways to promote MNCPA programming, you can find her at home embarrassing her kids with questionable karaoke choices, usually of the Elvis variety. If you get the chance, ask her about plant propagating, campfire building or dining out in Minneapolis where she and her family reside.
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