The CPA pipeline: Students are the future
August 29, 2023 | Julia Shiota

The professional world, specifically close to home in accounting, is in a perpetual state of change — advancement for the better and barriers to overcome.
The 2023 MNCPA Annual Meeting this month provided an opportunity to reflect on these challenges by discussing areas of the profession that still need addressing, such as the
CPA pipeline and how tapping into DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) initiatives can help strengthen the industry.
MNCPA Board Chair Bob Cedergren moderated a panel that included Jen Leary, CPA, CEO of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP; Guylaine Saint Juste, president and CEO of NABA, Inc.; and Sean Culp, an accounting student at Minnesota State University, Mankato, to discuss these issues.
A key takeaway from all three panelists was the importance of sharing stories from the profession — especially to students — to give them a better sense of what a CPA career looks like. For Guylaine, this meant telling human success stories, to distinguish between the more technical language of accounting that the public might be familiar with.
Most notably, Guylaine pointed to the need to frame the importance of accounting in terms of how clients succeed and become financially stable, which benefits CPAs, clients and society as a whole. Jen agreed, saying that the profession generally tends to be quieter about successes.
“We should realize our value,” she said. “When I say without accountants the financial infrastructure would collapse, I believe that.”
The panelists agreed that continued, focused outreach to high school students is one way to address the pipeline issue. Sean, a graduate of the
MNCPA Scholars Program, said his exposure to the field through mentorship and having access to job shadowing during his high school years cemented his desire to go into accounting in college.
Building off Sean’s point, Jen touched on the high school internship program offered by CLA, highlighting the fact that there were 400 applicants for 60 spots.
Thinking big picture
The discussion around engaging high school students led to a conversation concerning the need to consider how the profession is addressing DEI more broadly. The panelists delved into the importance of demographics.
Sean said it can be daunting to enter spaces where you do not see yourself reflected. Guylaine elaborated on that point by stating that equity should be the goal when thinking about long-term solutions to the pipeline. She said there is also a wider market benefit to these initiatives, such as strengthening the economy.
Investing at home, as opposed to offshoring, is not a cheap proposition.
“But when considering long-term solutions,” Guylaine argued, “We can’t shy away from start-up costs.”
Jen agreed wholeheartedly, noting that CLA’s high school internship initiative cost approximately $2 million.
We’re all in this together
Both Jen and Guylaine mentioned their support for broadening licensure options for prospective CPAs. Jen touched on that many who are currently in the profession were certified before the 150-hour rule was put into place yet have built their credibility and skillset through hands-on experience.
The overarching theme of the panel was solidarity, a coming together of large and small firms, as well as a coming together of individuals, to collaborate creatively to fix the issues that plague the profession. The pipeline issue is already here, so it is important to work together to imagine new possibilities to solve the problems at hand.
Learn more about this CPA pathways initiative
Do you want to learn more about this effort? You can keep up with the evolving conversation by visiting the MNCPA’s webpage about the broadening pathways to CPA licensure initiative.
Visit CPA Pathways page
Topics: Legislative & Government Affairs, Regulation, Staffing, Professional Certification, Succession, Government, Education
Julia Shiota
Julia Shiota is the MNCPA’s communications coordinator, bringing her passion for storytelling to members through content development, media relations, and covering member accomplishments and events. Outside of her work with the MNCPA, Julia enjoys knitting, reading, and keeping track of all the birds she encounters on nature walks. You can reach Julia at 952-855-5533 or at
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