Legislator BBQ event a success; what’s next for the YPG?
August 14, 2023 | Sylvia Michels
Warm sunshine, whiffs of BBQ and bubbling beverages helped set the stage for the MNCPA Young Professional Group’s recent social gathering with Minnesota lawmakers.
Rep. Matt Norris and Sen. Zack Duckworth joined the group in the North Loop of Minneapolis, sharing their takeaways from the recent legislative session and connecting with the accounting professionals to talk about the issues that matter to them and the profession.
StormKing Brewpub + Barbecue’s summery atmosphere eased the nerves of several YPG’ers who had never met a state senator or representative before.
“Investing my time at events like this has yielded significant value already in my career,” said Marcus J. Rien, CPA and YPG co-chair who attended the July 20 event. “I can’t wait to see how this short afternoon of invested time yields value in my years to come.”
Norris and Duckworth made it clear: The accounting community holds valuable perspectives about many of the most complex topics up for debate at the Minnesota Capitol each year.
It’s imperative organizations, like the MNCPA, continue to deliberately bring elected officials and young professionals together to avoid tunnel vision in their respective work.
Geno Fragnito, MNCPA director of government relations, spoke briefly at the event pointing out, “The MNCPA government relations team advocates on your behalf (accounting professionals), but we can’t do it without our members also sharing their expertise with policymakers.”
Great things should be expected from the next generation of accounting professionals, but it can be difficult to step up and share your expertise with lawmakers when you’re just starting to self-identify as an expert.
MNCPA’s YPG members took a bold yet manageable step by showing up to share the patio with local lawmakers. What’s next? Perhaps, they’ll maximize future ventures to the Minnesota Capitol or join the 50% of MNCPA members who hold decision-making roles at their place of work and in their communities.
Learn more about the YPG!
Are you interested in connecting with the YPG for networking opportunities and events? CPAs who have been certified for fewer than 10 years can join the YPG!
Check out our upcoming events, including axe throwing and an event to support Secondhand Hounds.
Check out the YPG!
Topics: Government, MNCPA Programs & Activities
Sylvia Michels
Sylvia Michels is a membership engagement coordinator at the MNCPA. You can often see her performing in plays or singing at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. As a new homeowner and a foodie at heart, she is looking forward to hosting family and friends during the holidays. Sylvia can be reached at 952-885-5506 or at smichels@mncpa.org.
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