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Lean into the Fourth Industrial Revolution

August 8, 2022  |  Corey Butler

Lean into the Fourth Industrial Revolution We no longer simply live in a world of gadgets and doodads.

We're deeply entrenched in what is being characterized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which expands on the Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the digital revolution. While the latter was about shifting from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics in the second half of the 20th century, we are now seeing a proliferation of rapid change to technology, industries and societal patterns and processes in the 21st century due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation.

Basically, welcome to Tomorrowland. Are you prepared?

The MNCPA launched the Technology Special Interest Section not long ago, which encourages members to come together virtually and discuss emerging technologies and how they affect the work you do every day. Additionally, we typically invite experts to join in on the conversations.

How do you participate, you ask?

Our next one is just around the corner! Join us for the next Technology Special Interest Section on Wednesday, Aug. 24, with Christopher Lazzaro, a CPA and crypto tax analyst with CoinTracker. Christopher will lead an open discussion about the growth of cryptocurrency and its impact on accounting and business — now and into the future.
You can register on our website to join us for the discussion.

You can also sign up to be part of the Technology Special Interest Section, a members-only group. By joining the group, you’ll be notified of upcoming meetings, which are roughly scheduled quarterly.

I look forward to seeing you at a Technology Special Interest Section discussion!

Topics: Workplace Trends, Work-Life Balance, Technology, MNCPA Programs & Activities

Corey Butler

Corey Butler is the MNCPA communications manager, working to enhance the professional reputations of members through content, media relations and public affairs. He's been with the MNCPA since 2013. Corey keeps busy outside of the MNCPA spending time with his wife and children, serving on his local school board, volunteering in his community and catching up on long-lost hobbies. Corey enjoys the works of John Steinbeck and Rankin/Bass Productions, and Paul Bunyan, Robin Hood and Santa Claus lore. You may reach him at 952-885-5530 or

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