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MNCPA Footnote: Risk Management

A look at 3 timely transfer pricing topics - June/July 2022
Investment and focus on transfer pricing now will help companies avoid potential high costs and disruption from controversy with tax authorities later.

Business Perspective: Dell Technologies - May 2021
In the world of small business, many teams consider data to be their most valuable asset, but the reality is that it can also be among the most vulnerable.

What is ESG? - June/July 2021
One acronym has quickly risen to the top of many C-suite and board agendas in the past year: ESG, or environmental, social and governance.

Communications the key to our sustainable relationship - June/July 2021
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Managing the known risks - May 2020
Amid the current environment, CPAs would do well not to forget about managing risks that, for the most part, they can control or, at least, mitigate in large part.

The new staff augmentation arrangements - September 2021
The PEEC has established a new ethics section to provide guidance on how services can be rendered and still maintain independence with regard to attest clients.

What tax practitioners need to know about cybersecurity - October 2021
While leaders and security experts continue to evolve protective measures to lessen the threat of tax identity theft, tax preparers must take precautions to shield themselves and their clients.

Emerging trends in data governance and privacy - April 2021
Business professionals have an absolute need to understand critical emerging trends in data governance and privacy.

Keep the CPE flowing ahead of June 30 - April/May 2022
Stay in the know with this helpful flowchart that outlines CPE requirements and certificate renewal information.

Don’t be scared! Renew and report before Dec. 31 - October 2021
Make no bones about it, Dec. 31 is your deadline for renewing and reporting to the BOA. Miss it and you’re out of compliance.

Planning for the worst - December 2023/January 2024
CPA firm owners face a never-ending stream of challenges. Learn how to plan for the unexpected in a way that protects clients and staff.

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