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MNCPA Footnote: Regulation

A look at 3 timely transfer pricing topics - June/July 2022
Investment and focus on transfer pricing now will help companies avoid potential high costs and disruption from controversy with tax authorities later.

An overview of charitable contributions - June/July 2022
For tax advisers, it is important to be aware of the requirements and nuances that accompany donations.

Signs of progress on our journey to normal - June/July 2022
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Carrying credits back? We’ve got your back - June/July 2022
While fixing a CPE shortage isn’t the end of the world, it’s still a compliance mishap. Don’t delay; the noncompliance fees add up.

2022 legislative session review - August/September 2022
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

ASU, ASC and SAS, oh my - October/November 2022
There’s much to be understood about ongoing standards changes, including some that are already effective. Here’s a look at a handful of these A&A changes that may affect the work you do.

What did, didn’t happen at the Capitol - August 2021
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Tax implications of remote workers - December 2022/January 2023
Adopting a co-employer model is one way to manage the tax compliance and HR requirements associated with remote workers.

Latest peer reviews show continued improvement - December 2022/January 2023
The MNCPA Peer Review Committee has compiled the results of engagement reviews and system reviews from the past three years to analyze trends and highlight areas for continued improvement.

The new staff augmentation arrangements - September 2021
The PEEC has established a new ethics section to provide guidance on how services can be rendered and still maintain independence with regard to attest clients.

Minnesota resident trust law update - September 2021
The Fielding result may influence a broader and more fact- and circumstances-based test in determining whether a trust is subject to Minnesota tax.

A complex intersection of state and federal tax laws - September 2021
The Minnesota Department of Revenue provides and update on its implementation and process of tax law changes.

CPA status options: Can I? Should I? How do I? - September 2021
Whether you’re changing your CPA status from inactive to active or vice versa, the most important part is getting the answer right.

MNCPA to explore broadening CPA licensure options - February/March 2023
The board approved an initiative to draft legislation to broaden options to CPA licensure requirements in Minnesota while maintaining rigorous testing requirements.

IRS issues 179D and 45L technical update - February/March 2023
Inflation Reduction Act offers tax savings opportunities for real estate clients.

IRS rulemaking continues to be called into question - February/March 2023
So long as the IRS and/or Treasury Department enforce rules that have not met the rulemaking requirements of the APA, taxpayers will continue to have the opportunity to seek relief in the courts.

What tax practitioners need to know about cybersecurity - October 2021
While leaders and security experts continue to evolve protective measures to lessen the threat of tax identity theft, tax preparers must take precautions to shield themselves and their clients.

MNCPA sets 2023 legislative agenda - February/March 2023
Federal conformity and private letter rulings are once again at the top of the list

What’s in a name? Turns out, a lot - February/March 2023
The BOA has spelled out rules regarding how a firm can be named in Minnesota Rules 1105.6300 and 6400. We’ll break it down for you right here.

Opening the nexus chamber of secrets - June/July 2023
This article analyzes how Wayfair impacted state income tax and sales tax nexus and concludes with a decision roadmap that tax advisers and taxpayers can apply when approaching state tax nexus issues.

ESG: Where do I start? - August/September 2023
As stakeholder expectations around environmental, social and governance (ESG) grow and regulatory compliance pressures continue to increase, many organizations are focusing on sustainability.

Minnesota’s pass-through entity tax credit - November 2021
It’s time to determine whether eligible partnerships and S Corporations will elect to pay the state’s PTE tax for 2021.

ASC 842, GASB 87 implementation are here - November 2021
With the many new processes, controls and accounts needed to ensure proper oversight of lease accounting, entities should wait no longer to begin the adoption process.

A look at last year’s peer review - November 2021
Firms that perform attestation engagements are required to undergo a peer review every three years.

The case of the thorn in the plan - December 2021/January 2022
MNCPA member Chuck Selcer shares his knowledge about ethics requirements and laws with unique humorous fictitious stories.

Year-end tax planning in flux - December 2021/January 2022
Last-minute tax legislation is making planning especially difficult this year. Here’s a look at seven tried-and-true tax planning approaches and how they may change.

The status of SAS 134, 135, 136 and beyond - December 2021/January 2022
SAS 134–140 will take effect for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after Dec. 15, 2021. Here’s what you need to know.

Building a tax system for all Minnesotans - December 2021/January 2022
Minnesota Department of Revenue Commissioner Robert Doty writes about creating a tax system for all.

Preparation is key: Substantial procedure change can burden those looking to claim R&D tax credit - February/March 2022
The IRS’s new requirements for taxpayers seeking Research and Development Tax Credit refunds have left tax professionals with some unanswered questions.

Minnesota legalizes THC edibles - October/November 2022
Following the July 1, 2022 legalization of unregulated THC products derived from hemp in Minnesota, here are some factors employers should keep in mind.

SQMS No. 1: First steps - October/November 2022
SQMS No. 1 deals with a firm’s responsibilities to design, implement and operate a system of quality management for its accounting and auditing practice.

Minnesota Department of Revenue is committed to engagement amid change - October/November 2022
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act - December 2023/January 2024
Many CPAs are starting to express concern as to what their responsibilities are regarding the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). So, what is Beneficial Ownership, anyway?

Nuts and bolts of cryptocurrency taxation - November 2021
The inclusion of the virtual currency question on the front and center of Form 1040 have made cryptocurrency a subject that tax practitioners cannot afford to ignore anymore.

Firm permit renewal is a very big deal - November 2021
Without a permit, a firm cannot operate or advertise as a CPA firm, nor perform compilations, audits or other attest services.

What CPAs should know about likely changes to the Farm Service Agency payment, AGI limits - August/September 2024
Although the new farm bill is not yet final, CPAs should understand how some proposed changes (including the current rules) will affect their farm clients.

Updates to Uniform Guidance: Key changes to know - August/September 2024
The revised Uniform Guidance is effective Oct. 1, 2024. To prepare for that effective date, here are changes of note in Uniform Guidance.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Name changes and license renewal - August/September 2024
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.

Get to know the mission behind the Minnesota Board of Accountancy - February/March 2022
Charles Selcer, MNCPA member and the BOA’s new chair, shares the important work being done by the BOA.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy became easier just in time for the COVID-19 fallout - August 2020
The Small Business Reorganization Act is a newly added subchapter of Chapter 11 bankruptcy that makes it feasible and beneficial for your small-business clients to benefit in new ways.

Emerging trends in data governance and privacy - April 2021
Business professionals have an absolute need to understand critical emerging trends in data governance and privacy.

Complexity and rapid rates of change — CPAs know both - October 2021
Who better than a CPA to serve as a subject-matter expert and influence decision-makers, while also building your sphere of influence and growing your professional network?

Don’t be scared! Renew and report before Dec. 31 - October 2021
Make no bones about it, Dec. 31 is your deadline for renewing and reporting to the BOA. Miss it and you’re out of compliance.

The relationship between Section 471(c) and Section 280E in the cannabis industry - April/May 2024
The rapidly evolving cannabis industry in the United States grapples with the intricate dynamics between Section 471(c) and Section 280E of the federal tax code.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Preparing for the provisions set to expire - June/July 2024
Now that we are into the middle of 2024, it’s a good time to review the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) provisions scheduled to expire at the end of 2025 if no action is taken by Congress to extend them.

What's in a (firm) name? - February/March 2025
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.

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