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MNCPA Footnote: Financial Planning-Personal

Hanging your shingle - August/September 2022
Have you ever thought of running your own shop? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Does the thought of risk not scare you? Then making this move can be awesome.

Estate tax planning for uncertain times - December 2022/January 2023
One matter is clear during these uncertain times: It’s the golden age of gifting. Advise clients to take advantage of these estate tax planning strategies before it’s too late.

An overview of Medicare and its application to choice-of-entity planning considerations - October 2021
With new businesses forming in record numbers, the choice of entity decision-making process should consider Medicare in addition to all other factors.

The SECURE Act: How retirement planning has changed for every taxpayer - April 2020
While the recent appropriations law covers a wide array of changes, the SECURE Act focuses on retirement accounts, specifically for seniors.

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