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MNCPA Footnote: Estate Planning

Exit planning strategies for business owners - September 2021
As baby boomers approach retirement age, the Minnesota business landscape faces the exit of a significant share of the workforce. But there is a beacon of light.

Estate tax planning for uncertain times - December 2022/January 2023
One matter is clear during these uncertain times: It’s the golden age of gifting. Advise clients to take advantage of these estate tax planning strategies before it’s too late.

Minnesota resident trust law update - September 2021
The Fielding result may influence a broader and more fact- and circumstances-based test in determining whether a trust is subject to Minnesota tax.

Holding S Corporation stock in a trust - February/March 2023
There are strict rules for holding S Corporation stock in a trust to avoid violating the eligible shareholder rules.

An overview of Medicare and its application to choice-of-entity planning considerations - October 2021
With new businesses forming in record numbers, the choice of entity decision-making process should consider Medicare in addition to all other factors.

CPA firms: Expect the unexpected - December 2021/January 2022
Don’t forget to incorporate the BOA rules into your succession-planning discussion. Doing so will help you to avoid complications, especially if non-CPA owners are involved.

The SECURE Act: How retirement planning has changed for every taxpayer - April 2020
While the recent appropriations law covers a wide array of changes, the SECURE Act focuses on retirement accounts, specifically for seniors.

The status of SAS 136 - August 2020
The AICPA Auditing Standards Board delayed the effective dates of SASs No. 134–140 to provide relief to audit firms amid the challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic.

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