MNCPA Footnote: Business & Industry
A look at 3 timely transfer pricing topics -
June/July 2022
Investment and focus on transfer pricing now will help companies avoid potential high costs and disruption from controversy with tax authorities later.
MNCPA Employee Benefit Plan Task Force findings -
June/July 2022
Reporting investments and fair value disclosures prove to be an ongoing challenge.
Overcome the martyrdom of the profession -
June/July 2022
Here are changes that can help curb death by a thousand paper cuts in your A&A practice.
An overview of charitable contributions -
June/July 2022
For tax advisers, it is important to be aware of the requirements and nuances that accompany donations.
Managing your EX (employee experience) -
June/July 2022
In a tight labor market, the employee experience becomes a major part of your recruitment and retention strategy. Employers must define and articulate what makes them stand out from other employers.
Signs of progress on our journey to normal -
June/July 2022
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.
Carrying credits back? We’ve got your back -
June/July 2022
While fixing a CPE shortage isn’t the end of the world, it’s still a compliance mishap. Don’t delay; the noncompliance fees add up.
A look back at the MNCPA’s MBAC22 -
August/September 2022
The MNCPA’s premier event for CFOs, financial leaders, internal auditors and business advisers was back this year in a new format and new venue.
5 tips to help you prune toxic clients -
August/September 2022
At the end of the day, not every client is a great client. And having great clients at your firm keeps your firm profitable and your team happy.
We can never go back to before -
May 2021
Now is the time to start thinking about a different normal in the workplace. The future of retaining — and recruiting — staff may depend on it.
Outsourcing tax services — a valuable option in the age of disruption -
May 2020
As you decipher the disruptions of tax reform, consider outsourcing your tax function to trusted tax advisers who can add value and help you navigate the powerful storm generated by new tax law.
Coach your candidates for a CPA exam win! -
August 2021
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.
Tax implications of remote workers -
December 2022/January 2023
Adopting a co-employer model is one way to manage the tax compliance and HR requirements associated with remote workers.
What tax practitioners need to know about cybersecurity -
October 2021
While leaders and security experts continue to evolve protective measures to lessen the threat of tax identity theft, tax preparers must take precautions to shield themselves and their clients.
How to prevent turnover when introducing your ‘new normal’ -
October 2021
It’s time to prepare for a long-anticipated but more gradual shift to the workplace of the future.
Entering a positive work culture | Business Perspective -
April/May 2023
Paige Batcha, CPA with Versique Search & Consulting shares her story.
A great time to be green -
August/September 2023
Go green with 10 new federal tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act.
ESG: Where do I start? -
August/September 2023
As stakeholder expectations around environmental, social and governance (ESG) grow and regulatory compliance pressures continue to increase, many organizations are focusing on sustainability.
ASC 842, GASB 87 implementation are here -
November 2021
With the many new processes, controls and accounts needed to ensure proper oversight of lease accounting, entities should wait no longer to begin the adoption process.
The importance of employer branding -
December 2021/January 2022
A dive into what an employer brand is, how to build your employer branding strategy and how to promote it to attract high-quality candidates.
5 critical technologies for 2022 -
December 2021/January 2022
With so many new and emerging technologies available, it can be challenging to identify those that can have an immediate, positive impact on your bottom line.
Preparation is key: Substantial procedure change can burden those looking to claim R&D tax credit -
February/March 2022
The IRS’s new requirements for taxpayers seeking Research and Development Tax Credit refunds have left tax professionals with some unanswered questions.
Flexibility and the workplace of the future: What does that mean? -
February/March 2021
Here’s the bottom line as you prepare to lead the workplace of the future: Creating flexibility by design gives your organization a better chance of success than allowing flexibility with ambiguity.
How to make financial forecasting essential -
February/March 2021
This article is not for you if you love forecasting. If, on the other hand, being asked to create a financial forecast fills you with discomfort to existential dread, keep on reading!
Navigating the Corporate Transparency Act -
December 2023/January 2024
Many CPAs are starting to express concern as to what their responsibilities are regarding the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). So, what is Beneficial Ownership, anyway?
The global transfer pricing landscape in 2024 -
February/March 2024
Transfer pricing is a top international tax issue pertaining to controlled transactions between related parties. See the latest trends and regulatory developments in the transfer pricing landscape.
Firm permit renewal is a very big deal -
November 2021
Without a permit, a firm cannot operate or advertise as a CPA firm, nor perform compilations, audits or other attest services.
Positioning an organization to survive and thrive during an economic downturn -
April 2020
In times of economic uncertainty, it’s imperative for businesses to know how and where to play it safe and double down in order to not only survive, but grow.
COVID-19, disaster planning guidance for employers -
April 2020
Whether for the COVID-19 pandemic or a future disaster, make sure your office has a plan in place to keep operations going.
How accountants can improve a business’s COVID-19 recovery and resilience -
June/July 2020
The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic turned many accountants into emergency workers. Accountants were called upon to help triage financial hemorrhaging due to lost customers.
Securing your technology while on the go -
June/July 2020
Whether working from a coffee shop or in an airport, you must be vigilant to protect your devices and all the information they contain.
How to handle an untrue, incorrect or incomplete business tax return -
August 2020
What should a corporate officer, partner or LLC member designated to sign the business tax return do if there are concerns that the return is wrong?
Refund opportunities in the CARES Act -
August 2020
As part of the CARES Act, refund opportunities may be available to you.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy became easier just in time for the COVID-19 fallout -
August 2020
The Small Business Reorganization Act is a newly added subchapter of Chapter 11 bankruptcy that makes it feasible and beneficial for your small-business clients to benefit in new ways.
Business Perspective: Salo -
September 2020
Crises are nothing new for career consultants. After all, organizations often bring in consultants when they have big, hairy, complicated problems to solve and little time to solve them.
Critical considerations for selecting and implementing an ERP platform -
September 2020
As organizations seek to improve operations and increase efficiency, many are considering implementing or replacing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system — and for good reasons.
The state of mergers and acquisitions -
September 2020
With the M&A market finally slowing down at the end of 2019, the global pandemic and resulting market volatility appear to be accelerating the slowdown.
Business interruption insurance: What does it cover, and should I purchase it for my business? -
October 2020
Does a pandemic displacing millions of workers and thousands of businesses fall under business interruption insurance? Read on.
Opportunities lie ahead for the profession -
April/May 2022
Get insight and news from MNCPA leadership about the organization and professional issues.
Minnesota’s Angel Tax Credit -
April/May 2022
The Angel Tax Credit is an important tool for assisting small startup businesses across the state get a foothold in the capital markets. Read about the latest developments.
Dealing with too many ‘quick questions?’ -
April/May 2022
You might think interruptions are just a fact of life when you are an accountant, but for the sake of maximizing productively and maintaining your well-being, it’s important to set boundaries.
MNCPA honors 10 individuals with awards -
October 2021
In a time of uncertainty, it’s nice to recognize a never-wavering certainty: MNCPA members continue to accomplish the extraordinary.
Selling a CPA or accounting firm — marketplace developments -
October/November 2024
Sunbelt Business Advisors/True North Mergers & Acquisition, national experts in the sale of firms in the CPA industry offering their insights.