Young Professionals at the Tax Conference
Preparing tomorrow’s leaders
Julia Shiota, MNCPA communications coordinator | October/November 2024 Footnote
The annual MNCPA Tax Conference is a premier event for CPAs, tax advisers, accounting firm tax teams and corporate tax experts. For years, it’s been a mainstay for those established in the industry but, for the first time in 2023, those who are early in their career were able to be in the spotlight.
Last year’s conference saw the launch of an entirely new track specifically tailored to early career professionals with one to four years of experience and at least one tax season under their belt. The aim was to keep the first young professional (YP) track cohort small and in person over the course of two days to give attendees the chance to network and get the full conference experience. The track sold out at 58 attendees and the track’s popularity guaranteed its return for 2024.
Sessions focused on providing real-world case studies and examples for attendees to learn from, along with opportunities to learn other professional skills, like etiquette and professionalism both in the office and in more social settings.
Case studies were a key aspect of the track that resonated with attendees.
“It was great to have exposure to parts of tax returns that entry level tax accountants see every day on the job when preparing tax returns for our supervisors to review,” said Brian Bunten, a senior associate at Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A.
Caitlin Goodrich, a senior accountant at Boyum Barenscheer, echoed this sentiment.
“It was nice to get back into the basics, especially through case studies,” she said. “COVID struck while I was in college, which made some aspects of learning difficult. After that disruption, I appreciated this track being in person. While I like working remotely, I learn better through an in-person, hands-on approach.”
For Riley Cronen, CPA, a staff accountant at Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP, the sessions also provided more than just a chance to learn from case studies and a variety of expert speakers.
“The segments discussing Excel tips and tricks, as well as business taxation, were all helpful. Plus, the presenters communicated in a way that was informative, while being easy to follow,” he said. “It was a great learning experience and it was also a fantastic chance to meet other people in the same professional stage as you from around the state.”
All the attendees recommended the YP track to those who are at similar stages in their careers, including Kristen Jurek, CPA, a tax supervisor at Creative Planning, LLC.
“I had a great experience,” she said. “I thought the smaller group setting was very beneficial and it was inspiring being with future leaders in the profession that were around my same age! I left feeling passionate about the profession and excited for where a career in this field could take me.”
This year’s YP track is set to be another packed set of two in-person days with sessions covering professionalism, practical application of emerging technologies, case studies, tax research and more, along with the chance to get to know other future leaders of the industry.
Curious about the YP track for 2024?
Young Professionals Track at the MNCPA Tax Conference (TAX24)
Nov. 18-19 | Minneapolis Convention Center
Nov. 20 (optional) | Virtual