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October/November 2024

New hires

Olsen Thielen & Co., Ltd. hired Lance Nieland, CPA as principal.


Boulay promoted Dana Bormann, CPA to chief learning and development officer.

Boulay promoted Jennifer Anderson, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Danielle Diekman, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Taylor McAlpine, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Corey O’Connell, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Cheri Queener, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Josh Suciu, CPA to senior manager.

Boulay promoted Chris Claussen, CPA to manager. 

Boulay promoted Kevin Sander, CPA to manager.

Boulay promoted John (Jack) Anderson, CPA to supervisor. 


Boulay promoted Ryan Bernin, CPA to supervisor.

Boulay promoted Mackenzie Cadwell, CPA to supervisor.

Boulay promoted Emma Carlson to supervisor.

Boulay promoted Kyle Omtvedt to supervisor.


Boulay promoted Carter Sieck, CPA supervisor.

Boulay promoted Ben Warming, CPA to supervisor.

Boulay promoted Erika Brantner to senior associate.

Boulay promoted Colin Duellman, CPA to senior associate.

Boulay promoted Kelsey Pogue to senior associate.


Eide Bailly LLP promoted John Chamberlain, CPA to senior manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Robert Vaupel, CPA to senior manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Blake Bode, CPA to senior manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Bailey Ekberg, CPA to manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Brittany Prellwitz, CPA to manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Dana Duberry to manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Mariah Gregory, CPA to manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Alex Hoehn, CPA to manager.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Nicole Currie to senior associate.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Abbey Hoegh, CPA to senior associate.

Eide Bailly LLP promoted Kelsey Newman, CPA to senior associate.

Hawkins Ash CPAs promoted Steve Arnold, CPA to senior manager. 


Hawkins Ash CPAs promoted Matt Cantlon, CPA to senior manager. 

Olsen Thielen & Co., Ltd. promoted John Krzyska, CPA to audit manager.


Olsen Thielen & Co., Ltd. promoted Rob Mathewson, CPA to principal.

Olsen Thielen & Co., Ltd. promoted Carrie Sundberg, CPA to principal.

Olsen Thielen & Co., Ltd. promoted Charlie Sparks, CPA to principal.

Schlenner Wenner & Co. promoted Sydney Wittnebel, CPA to senior manager.

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