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Chris Piché, Distinguished Service Award

Julia Shiota, MNCPA communications coordinator | October/November 2023 Footnote

It can be easy to forget that one person or experience can set the course for an entire life. For Chris Piche, whose notable career spanned four decades, it began with a math teacher in high school.
"All through school I liked math," Chris said. "My math teacher in high school was also an accounting teacher and he encouraged me to take his accounting class."
She ended up enjoying the class and, with this teacher's encouragement, she decided to pursue accounting as a career.
This passion for the profession, instilled in her from a young age, has carried through her work with clients, co-workers and the MNCPA as a whole. Her passion has earned Chris the Distinguished Service Award, the MNCPA's highest honor,

Giving back

A member since 1986, one of Chris' first active roles in the organization came early in her career, as part of the MNCPA's Career and Family Issues Committee. Her participation in the committee was particularly meaningful because she was able to draw on her own experience as a young professional who balanced a career with raising a family — a balance she continued to focus on as her career flourished and she became a female owner in an accounting firm.
Looking back, Chris describes her time as part of the Career and Family Issues Committee as the jumping off point for her involvement in the years to come.
"As a member of that committee, I made many new professional contacts who were valuable connections throughout my career," she said. "From there I became very involved with volunteer activities at the national level for the next 14 years."
Even as her career set her focus on the national level, she remained active within Minnesota.

In 2011, Chris officially returned her primary focus to the state level and was elected as the chair of the MNCPA board of directors, which was the first of several key leadership positions she would hold. During her seven years on the board, Chris served as chair, vice chair and treasurer. She is also celebrating six years as part of the board for the MNCPA Foundation, including two stints as chair.

"My time in these leadership positions has given me a wonderful opportunity to continue to support the profession by focusing our efforts on mentoring potential future CPAs," Chris said. "It is hard to say what was the most rewarding volunteer activity as each one has been very beneficial to me personally."

A changing industry

Chris' tenure as an MNCPA member and the accounting profession has meant watching the industry evolve.

"When I first began my accounting career, we did not have computers or cell phones," she said. "Now artificial intelligence has become a big player in the accounting profession."

This willingness to face challenges head-on, rather than shying away from change, speaks to Chris' dedication to the profession and the unique perspective she brings to her leadership roles.

Yet, for all the changes she has experienced in the industry, she remains grounded and able to celebrate what matters.

"There are a few things I am proud of achieving during the course of my career, but I would say that passing the CPA exam was my first accomplishment, which is something all CPAs should be proud of," she said. "Next would be accomplishing all I did in my professional life, while also raising a family."

In a time when there are so many changes and uncertainties in the industry, it is good to focus on our accomplishments - both professional and personal.

For all that Chris accomplished during her time as a member, she shows no signs of slowing down.

When asked about what motto helps her continue to achieve her new goals, Chris is direct and earnest: "Work hard and good things can come to you."