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New MNCPA system launches

Additional options now available in your My MNCPA account

| May 2020 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated April 30, 2020

We’re happy to report that we recently finished converting our association management system.

While most of our website will look exactly the same to you, you’ll notice some new features within your My MNCPA account. Here’s a rundown of what to expect next time you log in.

First things first — clear your cache

Web browsers like to save data in order to quickly serve that data to you when you revisit a webpage. Your MNCPA cache may need to be cleared so your browser doesn’t attempt to pull data from our old system.

How to clear your cache:
  1. Go to If you’re logged into your account, please log out.
  2. Press and hold Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard.
  3. You should now be able to log back in without any trouble.
  4. If you still experience issues, try a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.).
If these steps don’t work or you’re having trouble, please email or call 952-831-2707 for assistance.

Your My MNCPA account

Your username and password transferred to our new system; you will not need to change your login unless you choose to do so.

When you log into your account, you’ll view your new profile page. A new domain,, will appear in your browser when you log in. Be assured it’s safe and secured.

Use the navigation menu on the righthand side of your profile page to view your interest areas, CPE registration and credits, communication preferences and more.

Your invoices and payments

Our new system enables us to email your open invoices monthly. You’ll receive an email for each invoice that has an outstanding balance, which will include the invoice number, invoice date and the balance owed. You may log in to your My MNCPA account to view all your invoices and make payments online.

If you choose to call us to make a payment, please have your invoice number ready for reference.

Still to come

While the essentials are in place, there are a few things we’re still transitioning to the new system:
  • Yellow Book credits will not appear for MNCPA sponsored courses and partner webinars at this time. You can still edit Yellow Book credits for self-reported credits.
  • Firm administrator features, such as group registrations, are being worked on and tested. We hope to have these features available on our website again soon.
  • Political Action Committee (PAC) donations cannot be accepted online at this time. Please contact Geno Fragnito at if you have questions about making a PAC donation.
  • Online classified ad submissions are down temporarily. You may email Leslie Mueller at if you wish to have a classified ad placed on our website.

We’re here to help

We appreciate the time you’ve taken to learn about our system conversion and your patience with us during our launch preparations.

We’re happy to help if you’re unable to find anything or if something appears to not be working. You can either:
  • Email if you have any questions.
  • Submit an error report through our website. Click the link in the orange bar at the top of the webpage that’s glitching and complete the form online.
We hope you enjoy exploring your new My MNCPA account and profile page.