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CPAs are the peanut butter to taxpayers’ jelly

2019–20 Tax Campaign sees success

| May 2020 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated May 1, 2020

Scotch tape. Chewing gum. Peanut butter.

Bonding agents go a long way to successfully completing pairs. CPAs are the cream of the crop for pairings with taxpayers when it comes to filing tax returns, long-term tax planning and creating a lasting financial relationship.

While a nice raspberry jelly is full of flavor, texture and vibrant color, we have to be honest: It’s messy. Sure, jelly can perform well on its own, but it really shines when it finds a partner best suited for it. That’s where you, a top-tier peanut butter, come into play to bring together the team to perfect the old-age favorite fare.

We tried to capture that spirit of perfect pairings in the 10th annual Tax Campaign, which promotes the importance of CPAs and the profession to the public. From late January through mid-March, we published Facebook ads geared toward Minnesotans who would benefit from a relationship with a CPA. You can see those images and messages used on these very pages.

Here are highlights from the tremendous results from the Facebook ad campaign.

Facebook ads by the numbers

  • 5. The number of ads.
  • 274,792. The reach of the ads, meaning how many people saw an ad at least once.
  • 50.02 to 49.98. The split of women to men who saw the ads.
  • 2,194. The number of people who clicked on any of the ads.
  • 25–64. The age of the targeted audience of the ads.
  • 25–34. The largest share of the audience for every ad except one: the peanut butter and jelly ad. For that ad, the largest audience was among the 55–65 age group.
In addition to the Facebook ads, we also published Google Ads and Bing digital ads, reaching nearly 25,000 taxpayerss who searched for a CPA online. We also connected MNCPA media spokespeople with news outlets to talk about various tax-related topics. Members were interviewed for CBS Minnesota, Reuters, Twin Cities Business, MPR News and KARE 11.

We hope you have fostered good relationships with clients new and old this tax season. Perhaps they will keep you in mind and reach into their metaphorical shelves more often for assistance in the future.