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The calendar flips, the work continues

Chair's Message

Bob Cedergren, CPA | February/March 2024 Footnote

It’s hard for me to believe 2023 came and went and we are now two months into 2024. This past year was fi lled with excitement, energy, challenges and change. In that regard, it is not much different from other years.

When I was much younger, my grandfather used to tell me that time feels like it moves faster as you get older. My prepubescent brain did not relate to this concept at all. Lo, these many years later, I fully know and appreciate what my grandfather was telling me. Time does feel like to goes faster each year.

Many of you are coming off year-end close and looking for a brief lull in the action. Others are just gearing up for the traditional busy season. And others still are chugging along with the continuous work of government and education. No matter which group you fall into, I want to take a moment and offer a heartfelt thank you for all you do to serve your clients, your businesses and your communities. You truly make a difference and the world is a much better place because of the work you do.

While much was accomplished in 2023 at the MNCPA, more still needs to be done.

During this past year, the MNCPA has advocated for each of us through the work done at the Minnesota Legislature, as well as in Washington D.C. We also have a strong voice as one of the leaders in seeking additional pathways to CPA licensure to address the worrying pipeline issue. There simply are not enough CPAs to meet the needs of those we serve and the MNCPA is at the forefront of conversations and initiatives with the AICPA and NASBA to keep this discussion alive and moving forward. A very special thank you to the staff and leadership of the MNCPA for their dedication and professionalism in serving the profession. Without the MNCPA team, we would not benefit from the outstanding CPE programs, legislative advocacy, membership benefi ts and young professional programs. It has been a pleasure working with each member of the MNCPA.

I am very excited to pass the gavel to Boz Bostrom, who begins his MNCPA board chair term in April. Boz is well-known to Minnesota CPAs and will be a strong advocate for the profession.

It has been both an honor and privilege to serve as chair of the Minnesota Society of CPAs. I truly have appreciated the support and the emails throughout the year. Here’s to a prosperous 2024!

Bob Cedergren, CPA