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Continue to embrace the light

Chair's Message

Charles Esler, CPA | February/March 2023 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated January 31, 2023

The days are getting longer — both figuratively and literally. During the first quarter of the year, many in the profession experience the conflicting concepts whereas there is so much work to do that the days are very long, and that the workday started an eternity ago while, simultaneously, it just doesn’t feel like the days are long enough to get the work done. We crave the day so much we will try to save some daylight in March. Perhaps this provides us an opportunity to spring ahead into the next season with more sunlight on our faces and the wind at our backs.
I have also come to learn that apparently the term March Madness is more often equated with basketball by the general populace rather than the CPA’s busy season. Who knew? I have also heard that nationwide productivity suffers during the tournament. Could the increasing number of remote workers contribute to that statistic in any way this year? I hope whatever your interests outside of work may be, you find time to appreciate them and recharge.
This will be my last column as MNCPA board chair. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to carry the torch in a line of highly respected past chairs, and I am also excited about the leadership the forthcoming chairs will bring. Beyond the fun experience, I respect the representation of the board and have learned a significant amount from them over time. As the next board chair, Bob Cedergren brings a wealth of public experience and consistently has the MNCPA’s best interests in mind. 
Some members may understand and recognize — while others may not have the benefit of the connection to fully appreciate — what the board has come to know and understand as fact: That the MNCPA staff is phenomenal. The MNCPA is an incredible organization with a dedicated and professional staff who strive for the betterment of all members and have managed to set the standard for state societies.
Finally, professional members, I raise a glass to you and thank you for the work that you do every day. Your knowledge, kindness and actions remain impressive. Please keep doing what you do, and I hope the sunlight continues to shine on your faces for a long time.
Charles Esler, CPA

Chair, MNCPA board of directors