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Tax survey respondents share telltale signs of busy season

| February/March 2022 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated January 27, 2022

Once again, we’re in the midst of busy season. For some, it’s as though it never ended.

In a recent tax survey of MNCPA members, we asked respondents to answer this question: You know it’s busy season when __________.

There was no shortage of personal anecdotes, as well as consistent and nearly universal telltale signs. Chief among them was, of course, an uptick in client interactions.

“Clients begin to ask, ‘Is there anything I can do now to lower my taxes?’” according to one respondent.

Another noted that the phone rings regularly with “quick tax questions.”

Aside from long, cold and dark days and an influx of client emails, many noted they experience a lack of sleep and long overtime hours.

“You start having stress dreams about not being able to find clients’ workpapers,”according to one respondent.

The MNCPA uses the results of this 10-question survey to create tax tips, write press releases and highlight the value CPAs bring to tax planning and preparation. In the case of our busy season question, we also use it to better understand industry and professional trends. Read on to find out how your peers responded to, “You know it’s busy season when __________.
  • I start growing a beard.
  • You don’t see the sun for three months.
  • I stop responding to survey emails.
  • One mug of coffee isn’t enough.
  • You *need* to get out for a run.
  • You keep apologizing for taking so long to reply.
  • You start getting upset with office equipment.
  • I do nothing but work and sleep, without enough sleep.
  • The holidays are over.
  • Your grandchildren do not recognize you.
  • You cannot remember if you just ate lunch or supper and nearly every meal is eaten at your desk.
  • It goes from Monday to Friday in the blink of an eye and you didn’t accomplish all you set out to do.
  • Every available appointment is booked for most days of the week.
  • Politicians change last year’s tax laws.
  • Your timesheet is three pages long.
  • The copier seems to run nonstop.
  • The work is coming in faster than it’s going out and you can’t clear off your desk.
  • Wait, it seems like it’s always busy season.