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A year of lessons, reflections; adapting in the time of COVID

Chair's Message

Ben Ellingson, CPA, CGMA | February/March 2021 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated February 1, 2021

As I reflect on my past year as MNCPA board chair, many things come to mind. We all have very distinct memories of the past 12 months and, as I’ve written here before, many may be of the variety we would rather forget. However, there are some bright spots that many of us have experienced in the age of COVID-19, and I would like to focus on those.

One silver lining that stands out in conversations I’ve had over the past year is the extra time many have gained with family. I would certainly agree; for instance, I have had the chance to have a cup of coffee with my wife every morning after the kids began distanced learning, and we were able to spend much more time at the family lake home. Working from the office or traveling across the country used to make this a rare opportunity, and this has proven to be a valuable time for us!

Another change that stands out for me is the switch to the virtual environment for nearly all aspects of connecting with others. Whether with business meetings or social events, we have learned new ways to work and visit with each other from a distance. While I long for in-person events to return, there is no doubt we will find value in these virtual formats moving forward.

Memorable experiences at the MNCPA

In the past year, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of learning just how talented of a team we have at the MNCPA. Being elected chair of an organization, just as a worldwide pandemic is taking hold, certainly had me questioning if I was the right person to be in this position. Endless changes and more uncertainty than I could imagine had me lying awake at night and pondering next steps.

Thankfully, I quickly realized how fortunate I was to be working alongside the MNCPA staff. This organization is in excellent hands. Whether we’re talking about new software implementation, agility in a changing CPE environment, timely communications to membership or working with our government leaders on issues important to our members, this team worked tirelessly to keep member value front and center. Their passion for our members and our profession shone brightly through the chaos of the past 12 months! This also includes many members who volunteer their time to move the MNCPA forward in a variety of ways, and I would like to thank them for their time and leadership. If you aren’t currently participating on a committee or another facet of the MNCPA, I would encourage you to check out opportunities that align with your passions. As is often said, you will get more out of it than you put in!

As I close out my time as chair, I want to thank everyone at the MNCPA, the board of directors and all our great members across the state for their hard work and dedication to this profession. I’m proud to be associated with all of you and look forward to seeing what this team can do with Katie Gabriel, the incoming board chair, leading the charge in the coming year.


Ben Ellingson, CPA, CGMA
Chair, MNCPA board of directors