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Let’s all do our part!

Chair's Message

Katie Gabriel, CPA | December 2021/January 2022 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated November 29, 2021

Think back to the time in your life when you knew you wanted to be a CPA. Did anyone influence your decision? Did you have a parent or relative who was in the profession? Did you have a teacher who guided you in that direction? Did you inherently know there would always be demand for this profession?

For me, a long car ride home with my friend’s father — who was a CPA — was my beacon to the profession. I was struggling with picking a major and I talked it out with him, and he took the opportunity to share what was possible within the accounting profession. He had three daughters, none of whom were interested in joining the profession, so he latched on to an interested party.

The message he left me with after that three-hour car ride was that once I was a CPA, I’d have so many more options available to me throughout my career. That was assuring to me, because I wasn’t sure I’d want to do anything for too long! I liked having options. I also liked knowing that I could make a good living and that my skill set would always be in demand. I’m thankful for that car ride to cement my decision to major in accounting.

Don’t miss the opportunities to lift up the profession

Many people don’t have that person in their family or someone otherwise guiding them into the profession. That’s where we can all do our part to help fill the pipeline for the field of accounting. Share with young people what you like about your career. As we all know, there are endless possibilities within the profession, but it can be hard to imagine what life would actually be like as an accountant when you’re a student trying to select your major.

I’ve also come across professionals later in life who wish they would have majored in accounting. Network with these individuals and answer questions they have about the profession; it’s never too late to change paths and find the work that best suits them. We also have a huge opportunity and responsibility to increase the diversity of our profession by having these intentional conversations. Reach out to people beyond your normal network and share what is possible within our profession.

The MNCPA has several opportunities to make an impact with would-be accountants, such as the Talk to the Students program, which illustrates to high school students the work of accountants. I challenge you to find creative ways to connect with students and share your passion for the profession.

Our pipeline will look a lot brighter if we all do our part!

Katie Gabriel, CPA
Chair, MNCPA board of directors