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Footnote Magazine

Footnote cover

August/September 2024

Discover the state of accounting in higher education and what you can do to inspire the next generation of CPAs. Also in this issue:

  • Explore expected changes to the federal farm bill.
  • Learn about updates to Uniform Guidance with this concise breakdown.
  • Read how some members are giving back through mentoring.
  • Tips to retain top talent in your organization.
  • Streamline client and process management for small firm success.
  • Dive into the national discussion around around the talent pipeline, including the additional pathways to CPA licensure.

Updates from our members, including promotions, new hires, speaking engagements and firm news.

The case of the methane methodology
Charles Selcer, CPA, MBA
MNCPA member Chuck Selcer shares his knowledge about ethics requirements and laws with unique humorous fictitious stories.

How early is too early?
Boz Bostrom
Get insight and news from MNCPA leadership about the organization and professional issues.

Having the Talk: How to reach the next generation of CPAs
Eric Grube, CPA, DBA
How has accounting education evolved over the years, and where do we — as accounting educators — see the teaching of accounting evolving into the future?

What CPAs should know about likely changes to the Farm Service Agency payment, AGI limits
Paul Neiffer, CPA
Although the new farm bill is not yet final, CPAs should understand how some proposed changes (including the current rules) will affect their farm clients.

Updates to Uniform Guidance: Key changes to know
Elizabeth Barchenger, CPA
The revised Uniform Guidance is effective Oct. 1, 2024. To prepare for that effective date, here are changes of note in Uniform Guidance.

Addressing the talent pipeline — one student at a time
Julia Shiota, MNCPA communications coordinator
The MNCPA has been addressing the pipeline through several initiatives, including the MNCPA’s Scholars Program.

Attracting, retaining talent with a purpose-driven approach to building culture
James Powell
A greater understanding of mental health and work/life balance today has sparked a trend of firms developing culture in a more meaningful and deliberate manner.

The right fit does exist
Will Hill, MBA
Not only does the right fit exist for each, but the client and process choices should fit with one another.

The CPA talent pipeline today
Corey Butler, MNCPA communications manager
Dive into the national discussion around the talent pipeline, including the additional pathways to CPA licensure.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Name changes and license renewal
Julia Shiota, MNCPA communications coordinator
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.

2024 legislative session review
Geno Fragnito, MNCPA director of government relations
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

3 ways to protect your accounting clients’ data
Hannah Bruno
Protecting sensitive data can be simple for CPAs to do. The following steps will help ensure better data protection in your practice and are easy enough that any firm can implement them.