August/September 2023
Member News
Todd J. Koch, CPA, a partner at John A. Knutson & Co., PLLP, retired after serving clients for 42 years.
In Memoriam
Longtime MNCPA member, Richard “Dick” Thorsen, CPA, passed away June 28. He was 94. A member for nearly 70 years, Dick served on the MNCPA board, including as its chair. Outside of his roles in Minnesota, Dick also served as vice chair of the AICPA board, receiving the Thomas R. Porter Lifetime Achievement award and the Arthur J. Dixon Memorial award for his distinguished career.
Passionate about his profession, Dick was an active volunteer in the CPA community and as a member on various task forces, including his most recent participation on the MNCPA Business Valuation Task Force.
Fellow task force member, Joe Kenyon, CPA, described Dick as “a dedicated CPA and business appraiser, who passionately practiced his profession and generously shared his experience with colleagues. Always friendly, positive and approachable, he was a true pleasure to be around.” Another longtime task force member, Barry Divine, CPA, said, “Dick and I spent many lunches together talking about business valuation, as well as other topics of the day. He was always willing to share his thoughts with others — and many of those thoughts were quite amusing.”
Firm News
Abdo LLP and HG&K, Ltd. merged, effective June 1. HG&K’s three partners and 16 staff members joined Abdo with the newly combined firm continuing to operate under the Abdo name, with shared values, brand and vision. MNCPA member and Abdo’s COO, Jana Cinnamon, said, “We are confident this merger represents a strategic move that will result in increased resources, capabilities, enhanced services and a stronger market share. We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together and continuing to deliver an exceptional employee and client experience as a combined firm.”
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