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CPAs are stronger together

Chair's Message

Bob Cedergren, CPA | August/September 2023 Footnote

No matter if you work in public accounting, business and industry or for a nonprofit, your skills and expertise as a CPA are needed now more than ever!

It never ceases to amaze me how government works — or doesn’t work — but the results of the recently completed Minnesota legislative session definitely ensured that the services of CPAs are needed. Numerous laws were passed that will require CPAs in public accounting to provide guidance and insight to their clients; and for those in business and industry, your organizations will rely on your knowledge to provide guidance on the impacts of the laws that were passed, whether it be the paid medical and family leave, increased sales taxes or the long list of other new laws. You can read more about this legislative session from Geno Fragnito, the MNCPA’s government relations director.

I recently had the opportunity to attend the AICPA Council meeting in Washington, D.C. Not only was this a time to network with fellow CPAs and attend numerous educational sessions, the MNCPA delegation also met with members of the U.S. House of Representatives for Minnesota and our two U.S. senators. The purpose of these visits was to provide insight to the federal lawmakers about bills impacting the profession.

The voice the MNCPA has at both the state and national levels is impressive and one that we should be proud of as MNCPA members. Without the support of your membership dues and contributions to the MNCPA Political Action Committee, our voice would not be as strong and influential.

Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t send a special thank you to the volunteers and staff that put together the recently held MBAC conference. Without your commitment, this conference would not be the success that it is.

Bob Cedergren, CPA
Chair, MNCPA board of directors