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Please, keep being you

Chair's Message

Charles Esler, CPA | August/September 2022 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated July 28, 2022

When the economy is volatile and uncertainty thrives, which has been amplified during these pandemic-influenced years, it reinforces the appreciation for the variety of work being done by CPAs to help maintain the economic infrastructure.
CPAs have continually reinforced the backbone of the economy through a variety of traditional core roles, such as audit, tax, corporate participation and education; but you also continue to expand your influence outward. Unwavering dedication to clients, employers and students, together with principles from previous CPAs who passed the torch to the current workforce, have established a reputation of trusted advisers to help others operate under a set of common principles with enhanced reliability.
Necessary analysis, understanding, adaptation and review of staffing costs, supply shortages, revenue and tax ramifications, valuations, financing, etc., that have rippled through all industries and markets have been significantly and successfully been carried out by CPAs. There are individual CPAs who set the example and act as a lighthouse to help us navigate these challenging waters, but arguably our universal strength lies in the ability of the profession as a whole to lock arms and help each other remain afloat. Professional interactions enhance the community to create and interpret guidance, promote commonality, and provide guardrails around business and individual financial transactions.
If asked, likely each of you could quickly and easily cite examples of CPAs pushing through to resolution in imperfect conditions to ensure deadlines are met, information is timely and relevant, and financial results remain trustworthy.
These are also the times when it is critically important to remember to put on your own mask before you help others. Sadly, mental health is too often overlooked or falsely worn as a badge of pride while suffering in silence. Living in Minnesota, one can appreciate great weather days as a finite resource that are to be cherished. They offer an excellent opportunity to take deep breaths, refresh your mind, body, relationships and perspective, if you are able.
I thank you all for what you are doing to make you — and the world — better. You are appreciated, and your work is impactful. Please, keep being you.

Charles Esler, CPA

Chair, MNCPA board of directors