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The case of the divorced reality of preparing 1040s


Charles Selcer, CPA, MBA | August 2021 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated July 29, 2021

Hugo Poundsand, CPA prepared the 2020 Form 1040 for Maire Z. and Doe C. Dotes. They are divorcing. When the return was complete, Hugo made it available via his firm portal. Maire downloaded it and the Form 8879 was signed by both Dotes, then returned. Now Doe wants a copy of the Form 1040.

Q. While Hugo might provide a copy, does he have to?

A. No. Hugo has already provided or made available the item requested. Our code will add “or made available” because our profession often no longer sends hard copies of returns to clients. This revision dated March 2021 is effective Nov. 30, 2021.

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