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The MNCPA goes to St. Paul

CPA Day at the Capitol

| April/May 2024 Footnote

For the first time in five years, the MNCPA was able to celebrate CPA Day at the Capitol — at the Capitol!

Members gathered in St. Paul to meet with their legislators to discuss key topics impacting the profession, including broadening the pathways to CPA licensure, tax conformity and opposing a tax on profession services. Additionally, members also listened to a slate of speakers including those from the Minnesota Department of Revenue, the House Tax Committee and several legislators who are heavily involved in both Senate and House bills aimed to address issues in the profession and for those you serve.

Sen. Jordan Rasmusson, author of Senate File 1660, shared his passion for issues surrounding occupational licensing, like the MNCPA’s broadening the pathways to CPA licensure initiative.

“The arguments against the bill haven’t been compelling,” Rasmusson said in response to a member’s question. “We are already seeing the impact of the shortage. We also want Minnesota to be a great place to be an accountant and I think this bill will help get us there.”

When asked how members can help support legislators in their efforts to promote the bill, Rasmusson said, simply, “Share your stories and your clients’ stories.”

MNCPA members Rachel Polson, Matt Svendsen and Mitch Giese met with longtime Sen. Warren Limmer, discussing SF 1660, federal conformity and the concern about taxing professional services.

Limmer, who has been in the Legislature since 1988, was quick to acknowledge the weight of when CPAs connect with him.

Reflecting on a meeting with another legislator, Rep. Kristin Robbins, Giese said, “It was nice to hear that she was aware of a lot of these topics and was committed to helping push things forward. I think having conversations like these highlights why it’s important that we’re here for this day.”