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Ms. Lindsey goes to St. Paul

A firsthand account of the federal tax conformity bill signing

Carolee Lindsey, CPA | April/May 2023 Footnote

Editor's note: Updated March 29, 2023

I thought it was a prank — the voicemail I received Jan. 11 from Geno Fragnito, MNCPA director of government relations, couldn’t be true.

He said we were invited to the State Capitol to watch Gov. Tim Walz sign the newly passed tax conformity bill and asked if I could be there on such short notice. I thought, “Sure, Geno, yeah right, it’s not May — and what? Federal conformity?”

I listened to the message again. He sounded serious. There were details. I quickly messaged back, “Yes! Of course, I will be there!” And then more details — we have been invited to be behind the podium when Walz signs the bill! I started to think maybe this was really going to happen — or that Geno was really committed to the gag.

MNCPA members have been working on this for so long; MNCPA member Todd Koch has testified in front of the tax committees so many times about this issue, he must have his own chair and name plate by now. I could not miss this stellar, unexpected opportunity. Then, of course, I fretted about what to wear. What is appropriate for a bill signing? But, then I thought, “A few pictures, a few handshakes and it’s done.” A great opportunity, a great result, a fun afternoon diversion, then back to work.

The day of

At the agreed-upon time the next day, our happy group met to walk over to the Capitol. It really is an awesome building. As we walked through the halls, following Geno, of course, so we didn’t get lost, I started to feel really proud of the work we have done. We helped pass a significant piece of legislation and now we get to go hang out with the governor! It felt a bit surreal, but exciting and energizing, too.

Then we walked into the governor’s signing chamber, a really beautiful room with a formality to it that made me want to stand up a bit straighter. We were surprised by the number of people there — even the governor’s mother was there — and all of the cameras. I didn’t realize how many other groups had also been working on this issue or how many people care about tax conformity.

As I listened to Gov. Walz, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and Sen. Ann Rest (a retired CPA), who championed this bill along with many Minnesota representatives, I started to understand how many lives will be affected by it. I also was reminded why we do this work. It matters so much to so many people! I felt the relief of the hospitality industry representatives in the room and watched as Dayna Frank, owner of the historic First Avenue venue, showed her children a copy of the bill that she helped get passed.

Before it was fast, it was slow

Without this work by Minnesota CPAs, the MNCPA staff, its lobbyists and others, we would be in danger of losing businesses and individuals to other states, and we may have had to contend with greater financial and compliance burdens related to our tax returns.

I have always been proud to be a CPA and a member of the MNCPA, encouraging people to join by telling them the opportunities are endless and so very gratifying. I have also attended CPA Day at the Capitol and, more times than I can remember, walked out of there at the end of the day wondering if we made a difference at all, or if we were just another group trying to be heard and not succeeding.

Contrast that to the feeling of pride and accomplishment watching the governor sign, as one of the speakers put it, “a nerdy tax bill.” I’ll take that feeling any day. It also reminds me that all the work done prior to Jan. 11 — specific to this bill or otherwise — is how we arrived at that point. The groundwork was laid. When Geno writes in Footnote, or shares in the Legislative Digest Live, that we are looked at as trusted advisers, and then sometimes it takes years of talking about issues, he means it. This year, we passed a significant tax bill in less than two weeks into a new session — because the work by countless members had been done. You can be a part of that in the future!

There are many opportunities to make a difference. Some of these opportunities don’t require a big time commitment. Members of the MNCPA can work together to raise awareness and create meaningful change — and we can share some wonderful experiences while doing it! 

Carolee Lindsey, CPA is a director at Mahoney. She has more than 30 years of experience working with a variety of clients. You may reach her at or 651-281-1828.