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Footnote Magazine

Footnote cover

April/May 2023

Meet Bob Cedergren, the new MNCPA board chair, in the April/May Footnote. Also in this issue:
  • Consider 10 ways to establish and enhance your executive practice.
  • Staff challenges were a top concern of MNCPA members in a recent survey. What can be done?
  • Hear from Paul Marquart, the new Minnesota Department of Revenue commissioner. 

Updates from our members, including promotions, new hires, speaking engagements and firm news.

The case of the incendiary audit
Charles Selcer, CPA, MBA
MNCPA member Chuck Selcer shares his knowledge about ethics requirements and laws with unique humorous fictitious stories.

Talent pipeline is the issue of our day
Bob Cedergren, CPA
Get insight and news from MNCPA leadership about the organization and professional issues.

Bob Cedergren: Ready for a 'wild ride'
The MNCPA's new board chair sits down to talk about his career, life and where he sees the accounting profession heading.

Entering a positive work culture | Business Perspective
Paige Batcha, CPA with Versique Search & Consulting shares her story.

Beyond the numbers: The power of executive presence for finance professionals
Jennifer H. Elder, CPA, CMA, CIA, CFF, CGMA, MS, president, The Sustainable CFO
You work hard to understand complex financial models, analyze data and make informed decisions that drive business success. But have you ever considered the importance of your executive presence?

How to address three common staffing challenges
Rachel Kats
In the annual survey of MNCPA public practice members, 45% of respondents said their top concern this tax season was not having enough staff to complete the work.

Ms. Lindsey goes to St. Paul
Carolee Lindsey, CPA
Carolee Lindsey, an MNCPA member who's been a longtime advocate at the Capitol, shares her experience of seeing the early federal tax conformity bill signed by Gov. Tim Walz.

Clarity is the key
Margaret Smith, Insights licensed practitioner
Communication is the lifeblood of all organizations. Be sure you're applying the right tool for the task at hand.

New Revenue commissioner answers MNCPA questions
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Don’t beat around the bush this June 30!
Anne Janotta Erickson, MNCPA membership marketing team leader
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.