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Footnote Magazine

Footnote cover

April 2020

New MNCPA board chair Ben Ellingson is on the April 2020 cover as he takes the reins for one year. Learn more about Ben's journey to the chair position and what he sees for the future of the profession. Also in this issue:
  • Prepare your organization for a recession.
  • Understand what the SECURE Act means for clients and you.
  • Delve into the impact of the Kaestner and Fielding cases.

Updates from our members, including promotions, new hires, speaking engagements and firm news.

Ben Ellingson, new board chair keeps it cool on, off ice
Ben Ellingson, CPA, an avid fisher and hunter, lives this truth every day he breathes; that approach will anchor his next 12 months as the new MNCPA board chair.

The case of Parker’s marker
Charles Selcer, CPA, MBA
MNCPA member Chuck Selcer shares his knowledge about ethics requirements and laws with unique humorous fictitious stories.

Culture is key in today’s marketplace
Ben Ellingson, CPA, CGMA
Get insight and news from MNCPA leadership about the organization and professional issues.

Business Perspective: ADP
Many business owners were caught by surprise when the calendar flipped to 2020. Legislation effective Jan. 1 meant that more than half of U.S. states have now increased their minimum wage.

The SECURE Act: How retirement planning has changed for every taxpayer
Paul Dinzeo, CPA, JD, CFP, MBT
While the recent appropriations law covers a wide array of changes, the SECURE Act focuses on retirement accounts, specifically for seniors.

Positioning an organization to survive and thrive during an economic downturn
Dominic Iannazzo, CPA
In times of economic uncertainty, it’s imperative for businesses to know how and where to play it safe and double down in order to not only survive, but grow.

The taxation of trusts in Minnesota
Karen Sandler Steinert, Esq.
The implications of recent court cases could be significant for Minnesota taxes.

COVID-19, disaster planning guidance for employers
Whether for the COVID-19 pandemic or a future disaster, make sure your office has a plan in place to keep operations going.

4 tactics for effective change management in the multigenerational workplace
Angela Lurie, CPA (inactive)
Managers are progressively tasked with mastering change management. Success depends on how well finance leaders support these changes within their teams.

Improvement seen in latest employee benefit plan audits
Rebecca Kehr, CPA
The MNCPA Employee Benefit Plan Task Force last year received 25 reports consisting of 401(k), 403(b), defined benefit, and health and welfare plans for both single and multi-employer plans.

View from Revenue: Season of change
Cynthia Bauerly, Minnesota Department of Revenue commissioner
Find out about key issues the MNCPA is monitoring at the Capitol. Stay current on legislative news and events with stories, tips and grassroots involvement.

Understanding less traditional CPE options
Anne Janotta Erickson, MNCPA membership marketing team leader
Learn about important news from the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Monthly topics include rules, CPE requirements, CPA exam information, licensing, and more.

You know it’s busy season when ____
Corey Butler, MNCPA communications manager
We thought we’d share responses from our most recent tax survey to members who were asked a simple question: You know it’s busy season when ____. You didn’t disappoint.