Accounting Opportunities Week returns to Minnesota classrooms
MINNEAPOLIS (Oct. 31, 2024) — Now in its third year, the MNCPA’s Accounting Opportunities Week returns to Minnesota classrooms Nov. 11-15.
In conjunction with other certified public accountant associations throughout the United States, MNCPA members will visit with high school students to share the opportunities available within a career in accounting.
Love Taylor Swift? Enjoy the Minnesota Twins? Do you think The Guthrie is an arts gem? Those are all examples where CPAs are critical in their success. While individual taxpayers are certainly in need of quality CPAs, so, too, are businesses, the government and educational organizations.
In the past two years, high school teachers and counselors have requested dozens of Minnesota CPAs to visit classrooms during Accounting Opportunities Week where thousands of students learned about the potential of pursuing an accounting career.
Are you a teacher or counselor interested in having a CPA visit your school? There’s still time to
request a CPA to visit your classroom for Accounting Opportunities Week. The MNCPA also runs
Talk to the Students, a yearlong effort to have CPAs visit classrooms.
The MNCPA serves the public interest by advancing the highest standards of ethics and practices within the CPA profession. The MNCPA delivers on that promise by offering extensive continuing professional education and resources; advocating for members and the public with regulatory agencies and boards; and mentoring and encouraging the CPAs and business leaders of tomorrow. Founded in 1904, the MNCPA has 7,500 members who work in public accounting, business and industry, government and education.