MNCPA Legislative Issues
2025 priorities
Broadening pathways to CPA licensure (Last updated January 2025)
Support legislation broadening the pathway to CPA licensure by including options for individuals to either choose the current pathway requiring 150 hours of education and one year work expereience, a bachelor's degree and complete two years of work experience or a master's degree with one year work experience.
Bills: House File 1458 | Senate File 1536
Position: The MNCPA supports these bills.
Tax on Professional Services (Last updated March 2025)
Extending the sales tax to accounting services is part of the governor’s proposal to lower the sales tax rate and broaden the base; but, in doing so, it would also increase tax collections by the state. This proposal is overly broad and creates significantly more questions than should be part of a new proposed tax law.
Bills: Senate File 2374 | House File 2473
Position: The MNCPA opposes these bills.
Mobile workforce (Last updated January 2025)
Uniform withholding requirements reduce complexity, reduce the compliance cost for taxpayers and administrators and increase the ease of filing.
Bills: Senate File 46 | House File 950
Position: The MNCPA supports these bills.
Minnesota Tax Court rulings (Last updated January 2025)
The MNCPA supports legislation to amend current statute and clarify who is bound by Tax Court decisions and how the decisions can be appealed.
Bills: Senate File 2588 | House File 2000
Position: The MNCPA supports these bills.
Taxpayer Bill of Rights (Last updated January 2025)
Changes and updates to the current taxpayer bill of rights will provide some additional protections and certainty for those trying to comply with the law.
Bills: Private letter rulings: Senate File 783 | House File 912 / Limiting Department of Revenue assessment authority: Senate File 88 | House File 2270
Position: The MNCPA supports these bills.
Trust Residency (Last updated January 2025)
Using the location of an adviser as a determining factor to establish trust residency will result in a loss of business for Minnesota based trusts.
Bills: Senate File 6 | House File 940
Position: The MNCPA supports these bills.
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