Surgent's The Accountant as the Expert Witness
Friday, April 25, 2025
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Central
2 CPE (2 technical)
Course code: 25WS-0078
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As litigation becomes more complex, attorneys are relying more on accountants to serve as consulting experts or expert witnesses at trial. Serving as an expert witness is not as difficult as you might expect. Accounting experts educate lawyers and jurors on issues such as valuation, tax liability, and forensics. Learn how accountants become expert witnesses, the role they play during pre-litigation through to trial, and the techniques experts employ to avoid challenges from opposing counsel.
Major subjects
Becoming qualified as an expert witness
Best practices for testifying at trial
Understanding the different roles accountants can play in litigation
Working with attorneys to prepare and present a case at trial
The role of experts in commercial versus personal injury litigation
Confidentiality orders
Compensation for expert witnesses
Preparing for and attending depositions
Daubert challenges to experts
Expert reports
The role of experts in antitrust, securities litigation, and professional liability cases
Credibility as a witness
Learning objectives
Understand how to become qualified as an expert witness
Learn skills that experts use during deposition and trial to support their conclusions
Understand the litigation process and the role accountants play in moving a case forward through to trial
Who should take this program?
- Accountants seeking to understand the litigation process and accountants who already serve as expert witnesses or wish to do so
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