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Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Understanding and Appreciating Our Differences

Saturday, May 3, 2025
2-3:10 p.m. Central
1 CPE (1 non-technical)

Course code: 25WA-0943
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Do you often hear people complaining about coworkers or other departments? Do you have talented people with the right skills who struggle to collaborate and cooperate as a team? You're not alone. This can be a common situation when people's values, beliefs and their approach to solving problems differ. The key is to help everyone understand that our differences aren't bad -- they're interesting and extremely valuable.

In this course, Tina guides you through tools and activities you can use to help your people (and yourself) broaden their perspective so they can more easily cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with the people around them. This program explores ways to help them connect, from personality assessments to team building activities. When coworkers or team-members understand each other better, it's easier to appreciate their differences.

Major subjects

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication
  • Teamwork

Learning objectives

  • Learn what shapes individual perspectives and why people have strong reactions to those with different perspectives
  • Discover how knowing your personal style (personality type) can helps us improve our interactions with others
  • Explore tools and activities you can use to help broaden people's perspectives leading to improved communication, collaboration, and connection

Who should take this program?

  • Everyone, but with a focus on supervisors and managers


Standard Member Fee $39.00
checkmark Standard Nonmember Fee $39.00
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More program information

Location Online
of study
Personal development
of study
Personnel/Human Resources - Non-Technical (1.0)
Level Overview
Format Group Internet Based
Sponsor Business Professionals' Network, Inc.
NASBA ID#: 107810
Prerequisites Prereq. None
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