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Costs to Become a CPA

Becoming a CPA is an investment in your future. However, this investment doesn't come without some expenses. There are several costs to consider as you work towards your CPA certification. To keep expenses manageable, practice thoughtful scheduling and diligent preparation.

Review course
One of the wisest investments you can make on your path to becoming a CPA is to choose a review course that works for you. Fees depend on provider and course type; self-study courses average $2,000 and live courses average $4,000. Select review course providers offer MNCPA group discounts (see details for eligibility). Remember that your preparation can help you pass each section the first time and avoid re-take fees.

CPA exam
Total exam cost varies based on jurisdiction. A future CPA in Minnesota who passes all four sections on the first try can expect to spend about $1,500. It's recommended that you sign up for as many sections as you feel comfortable taking in a six-month period. Check out the most current fees on NASBA's website.

Self-study ethics exam
Minnesota CPAs are required to pass a self-study ethics exam prior to certification. This ethics exam is available for purchase through the MNCPA and is free or discounted for new MNCPA associate members.

CPA certificate
Once you've passed the exam and met the other requirements for certification, you'll apply for a CPA certificate through the Minnesota Board of Accountancy. Your initial application fee is $150.

Plan to spend at least $2,300 plus review course costs to obtain your CPA certificate. Note that many employers will help cover the costs of becoming certified. Even if yours won't, know that this is an investment that will pay for itself many times over throughout your career.

Sample scenario
The scenario below explains the costs for a future CPA who has taken a self-study review course and has re-applied to take a section not passed on the first try.

Item Cost
Self-study review course $2,000.00
Education evaluation application fee $93.00
Exam section application fees ($352.64 per section) $1,410.56
Re-apply for 1 failed section $352.64
Self-study ethics exam $320.00
Initial CPA certificate application $150.00
TOTAL $4,326.20

CPA exam reimbursement dollars available to military members
Reimbursement dollars are available to veterans for expenses related to preparing and sitting for the CPA exam. Veterans qualify for reimbursement of testing expenses up to $2,000. In certain cases, spouses and/or dependents of active duty service members can qualify for reimbursement of expenses toward education and testing.

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