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Pass the CPA Exam

Become a CPA in Minnesota

Exam overview
Clear up the mystery known as the CPA exam with an overview of the process, from format and fees to applying and test center locations.

Exam sections
The CPA exam is broken down into four sections with a specific time allotted for each section, totaling 16 hours. You can take the CPA exam one section at a time in no particular order.

Exam costs
Becoming a CPA is an investment in your future. However, this investment doesn't come without expenses. Consider these costs as you work towards your CPA certification.

Exam statistics
Nation-wide pass rates broken down by CPA exam section and quarter.

Application process
Know what information you will need to complete the CPA exam application and what happens next.

CPA exam review courses
Find out tips on selecting the review course that's right for you. Certain review course providers, including Gleim CPA Review and Surgent CPA Review, offer discounts (see details for eligibility).

Exam tips
Make a plan and schedule, talk it over with your supervisor and other helpful tips for passing the CPA exam.

Review details about the exam grading process and steps for candidates who need to retake a section.