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Footnote Advertorials: Business Perspective

Tell your company's story to members of the MNCPA

Business Perspective is sponsored-content (advertorial) placed in Footnote, the official magazine of the Minnesota Society of CPAs. Footnote is published nine times a year and sent to more than 7,500 members.

Advertorials are unique advertising supplements to our magazine that allow you to connect with readers in an editorial-like fashion, but with content that you direct. An advertisement that looks like an editorial, advertorials allow you to create the text of your message and control the environment of its delivery, free from the competing distractions of other advertisers. Advertorials provide ample space for you to tell the whole story of your company: its history, mission statement, philosophy and approach to doing business.

You can use advertorials to:

  • Run profiles of your executives and key personnel
  • Feature an in-depth launch of a new product or innovative service
  • Showcase your facility for readers
  • Provide testimonials from some of your most prestigious customers.

Advertorials are placed in both the print and online issues of Footnote.  They are also shared through our daily eNewsletter.

You have the opportunity for a one or two-page spread.


One-page advertorial - 600 total words, including title and subheading of title.
Two-page advertorial - 1,200 total words, including title and subheading of title.

Note: Contact information for your company is not included in total word count

You may submit copy and provide appropriate photography, illustrations and artwork. We will utilize our template. Our goal is to develop a strong marketing piece that reads like an editorial, but has the impact of an advertisement.

Read samples

View one our past Business Perspective pieces:


One-page spread - $2,780
Two-page spread - $4,150

Reserve your advertorial space in Footnote today!

Leslie Mueller
Strategic Partnership Specialist