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MNCPA Initiatives 

Member resources Education Leadership and member involvement Serving the public

Member resources

The MNCPA offers members high quality services, benefits and resources. We help members stay on top of the latest trends, find answers and demonstrate value to employers and clients.

We make the latest information affecting the accounting profession and CPAs available through our electronic newsletters, Footnote magazine, frequent notices and our website. Online tools help our members track their CPE, manage their CPA exam experiences and search for jobs.

The MNCPA works directly with the Minnesota Legislature and the Board of Accountancy to influence legislation affecting CPAs.

All firms in public accounting need to be enrolled in the peer review program. This is a requirement for membership with the MNCPA, as well as a requirement for firm licensure with the Minnesota Board of Accountancy.

Career Center
MNCPA legislative issues
Footnote Magazine
MNCPA member benefits 


MNCPA programs are selected and designed by CPAs and led by experts from across the country. Our events are designed to meet the ongoing professional needs of members working in public accounting, corporate accounting and finance.

The annual MNCPA Tax Conference is nationally recognized and is one of the largest tax conferences in the country. The Management & Business Advisers Conference is our premier event for corporate CPAs. 

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Leadership and member involvement

Active volunteers are the backbone of the MNCPA. Members can choose from more than 40 volunteer opportunities to meet both their needs and interests. Through volunteering, members network with one another, expand their professional knowledge and serve the accounting profession.

The MNCPA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. 

Special events welcome new CPAs and foster leadership development. The Young Professionals Group and Leadership Academy equip emerging leaders with the skills and confidence needed grow and develop.

Board of Directors
Young Professionals Group (YPG)
Volunteer opportunities
New CPA Recognition Dinner

Serving the public

The MNCPA serves the general public, academia and business communities by providing resources and career education.

Our Talk to the Students program and Accounting Opportunities Week provide resources to high school and college students about careers in accounting. The MNCPA partners with BestPrep to provide financial literacy presentations in middle schools and high schools. 

MNCPA client brochures break down complex topics, helping MNCPA members to illustrate the value provided by CPAs.

Areas of Interest
Becoming a CPA
Student Outreach Volunteer Opportunities
Tax Campaign and client brochures
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