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The peer review process is completed through the use of the AICPA's Peer Review Integrated Management Application (PRIMA) system. PRIMA is an all-electronic, interactive system.

PRIMA is used by the reviewed firm to complete Peer Review Information (PRI), submit scheduling information (SCH), accomplish review (RVW) tasks, such as responding to Matters for Further Consideration and Findings for Further Consideration, submit evidence of completion of required corrective actions (COA), and to receive peer review related correspondence.

PRIMA collects and stores information and documents related to the peer review through a series of workflows involving various parties, including the reviewed firm's Managing Partner and Peer Review Contact, the peer reviewer, the administering entity, and a technical reviewer.

Please add to your list of safe senders. All PRIMA emails are sent from this address.

PRIMA assistance and support


The MNCPA can answer many questions about PRIMA.
Sabine Anderson


AICPA PRIMA resource page

Hotline number: (919) 402-4502

  • Firm help using PRIMA - press 1
  • Reviewer help using PRIMA - press 2
  • Help related to standards, guidance and/or the peer review process (non-PRIMA related questions) - press 3

AICPA phone lines are managed Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST. Messages are returned within 48 hours.

You can also email your PRIMA-related question, with detailed information including the case number, the problem encountered, and screenshots (if possible), to


  • Try Instructions for Firms Using PRIMA , which has instructions and screenshots for all forms a firm might use during the peer review process in PRIMA (PRIMA login required).