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Filing an Ethics Complaint

The MNCPA Professional Ethics Committee evaluates complaints against members. In order for an investigation to be opened, there must be an apparent violation of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.

If you are unsure if an ethics violation has occurred, you may ask an ethics question.

Filing a complaint with the MNCPA

Please submit your complaint in writing, including your signature, to:

Professional Ethics Committee
Minnesota Society of CPAs
1650 W. 82nd St., Ste. 600
Bloomington, MN 55431

We will contact you if additional information is needed.

Your complaint will be considered at the next Professional Ethics meeting. A letter will be sent to you letting you know whether or not an investigation will be opened.

How complaints are handled

After reviewing a complaint, the Professional Ethics Committee may decide:

  • That the complaint does not fall under the Code of Professional Conduct
  • That the complaint is without merit and should be dismissed
  • To request additional information
  • To investigate the complaint further

If an investigation is opened, the Committee determines whether or not a violation has occurred. This determination leads to appropriate action, which may include one or more of the following for the CPA under investigation:

  • No further action
  • Corrective action
  • Suspension of MNCPA membership
  • Termination of MNCPA membership
  • Publication of the violation

Filing a complaint with the Board of Accountancy

The MNCPA has no jurisdiction over the certification of CPAs, which is handled by the Minnesota Board of Accountancy (BOA). To file a complaint with the BOA, complete their complaint form and submit to the BOA.

Board of Accountancy complaint form (PDF)


If you have a question about a potential ethics violation or situation, please contact Sabine Anderson at 952-885-5514 or by email.